This article epitomises extreme racism and seethes with vitriolic hatred. Not only does it unleash an unprecedented level of animosity towards "Whites," but it further deteriorates into depicting Māori as entirely incompetent subhumans. Such rhetoric is truly astounding.
Your own rhetoric in this comment is what astounds! Not sure what any of your comments are based upon, maybe you need to re-read?
Thank you Whaea Ann for this article, and this call to action. Submissions on the Education and Training Bill close 25 July so let’s get writing!! Ki mua te haere.
Tautoko. Silence =complicity. Lack of evidence is glaring in this current govts actions. Colonisation continues apace with current changes. Thank you for speaking up.
I’m not a fan, Ann. I’m particularly uncomfortable with customary practices, that when allowed in to our majority culture, bring financial, moral and political corruption.
This article epitomises extreme racism and seethes with vitriolic hatred. Not only does it unleash an unprecedented level of animosity towards "Whites," but it further deteriorates into depicting Māori as entirely incompetent subhumans. Such rhetoric is truly astounding.
Your own rhetoric in this comment is what astounds! Not sure what any of your comments are based upon, maybe you need to re-read?
Thank you Whaea Ann for this article, and this call to action. Submissions on the Education and Training Bill close 25 July so let’s get writing!! Ki mua te haere.
Tautoko. Silence =complicity. Lack of evidence is glaring in this current govts actions. Colonisation continues apace with current changes. Thank you for speaking up.
"Silence =complicity."
100% tautoko! Ka pai Whaaea Ann. Tell it to them straight!
Tautoko Whaea Ann ♥️
I’m not a fan, Ann. I’m particularly uncomfortable with customary practices, that when allowed in to our majority culture, bring financial, moral and political corruption.